About Us

About Us:

22 homeowners belong to a very special planned unit development in Cotati, California on the west side of town. A management team, which includes a board of directors and outside management company are responsible for enforcing the CC&Rs and managing our affairs. Let's look and see how they are doing with all of our money.




Protecting our quality of life here is of little concern to the board of directors clearly visible by a rudimentary inspection of the area any time of the year. These properties possess a rural quality that civic leaders refer to as "Cotati Charm" of disrepair and neglect. The mismanagement team practices a "hand's off" policy of "live and let live" and "Don't bother me about the 'rules'..." reminiscent of a bygone era when resale values and urban blight were of little concern.




It's a place where parking rules are broken at will and ignored especially if you're on the board. If a board member is hosting a private party and feels that a fire truck will not be needed for other neighbors during this time period, it's simply part of the madness of one set of rules for some, and another set of rules for others.  

Special privileges for the "clique" in Cotati are very common. It's not who you know, it's how you get along with the management company and City Hall that is the best way to describe an "end run" around the Association rules. Cronyism like this goes back a long way in small towns such as Cotati.




And, the neighborhood would not be the same if not for our trespassers who live up the street who enjoy using our yards and common area as urinals for their animals each and every day. It's the carefree attitude of not taking much pride in the Association that is irresistible to trespassers onto this private area.  




Life in West Cotati Oaks would not be the same without our skateboarders who love to get "radical" on our drainage inlets that are unsafe at any speed. Injuries are quite common.

Serious injuries are just to be expected from drainage inlets that are not bolted down and other unsafe conditions that abound throughout the association. Kids love to play ball and dodge our large sprinkler heads that protrude above ground waiting for an accident to happen. But as one homeowner put it, "I really don't care who gets hurt....That's what insurance is for...".




No Trespassing signs are routinely ignored because the Association fails to enforce the law or protect the homeowners because it's too much work and "too confrontational" to outsiders. This sign was taken down shortly after this photo was published on this website as a sign of defeat. Taking down such a sign by the mismanagement team is the first step in conveying/transferring legal ownership of our valuable common area to the City of Cotati. What a shame.





Whenever these No Trespassing signs and fences are destroyed by vandals, its of little concern to our mismanagement team. This sign was never replaced after years of being bent down and tripped over by association members, their children, and their guests while the mismanagement team did nothing but profit from their inaction and negligence.




No matter what the occasion, parking on the wrong side of the street is commonplace on West Cotati Oaks Court because there are no parking signs whatsoever, and no way for visitors and guest to figure out where in the world to park.  The Board of Directors have concluded that parking rules on signs lining the street would be "ugly", and motorists should just be able to simply, or magically, figure all this out for themselves.  The board just can't be concerned with fire trucks and other nonsense like that until it is too late.  As long as people are having fun at the expense of others is all that matters at West Cotati Oaks H.O.A.





Some homeowners feel that nothing can adversely affect the resale values of their homes, no matter what they stack in the front yards for years at a time.  "Hey, it's about me, me, me, me, and my needs..........." can be heard and seen throughout the Association.



No matter what time of the day or night, 24-hour parking on the common area have become legendary in spite of the CC&R's. This is a lovely sight for any neighborhood, and the safety cones add a touch of color to the area, don't you think?

The safety cones also insure that no one will run into this brightly colored rig in the middle of the night. Some members must appreciate the special circumstances seen by our board members who repeatedly look the other way and pride themselves on keeping the monthly dues low at the expense of a declining quality of life and declining resale values of our homes.

Just imagine what your home might be worth if the mismanagement team did it's job, or imagine the improvement to our quality of life.


Please send your photos to add to this web site.


Copyright © West Cotati Oaks