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The digitally scanned image you see below is from the old map of the City of Cotati which showed our Association's privately owned and maintained common area adjoining the freeway as a frigging CITY OWNED PARK. Do you believe it? I couldn't either. This was done in complete disregard for our private property rights in an attempt to take this property through the doctrine of "adverse possession and eminent domain" in good time and sell it to the county as a Park N Ride for hundreds of thousands of dollars. Luckily for the H.O.A., a concerned association member stepped in to protect this land grab from actually taking place, an issue that the management company refused to take any interest in after repeated warnings of this erroneous map and its ramifications for the homeowners if we sat back and did nothing.

Thanks to George Barich, a vocal and concerned member of the W.C.O.H.O.A., the city did not succeed in their subtle attempt to take this private park for political and financial gain. Repeated demands made before the Cotati City Council to have this map corrected for the record on numerous occassions was stone-walled for years by city staffers and city leaders in hopes of stealing this property for the city's benefit. The map was recently and finally corrected for the benefit of all the members of the homeowner's association by a lot of hard work of one lone homeowner. The proof that this private park is now one step closer to remaining private is now shown in the new city map which is part of the recently adopted Land Use Ordinance of the City of Cotati passed in June 2005. It's our private park again folks, and a victory for WCOHOA.

George Barich's sole effort to have this official map corrected has saved the H.O.A thousands of dollars in legal fees, and possibly hundres of thousands of dollars by saving our huge common area from being taken over by city and counties agencies. Being vigilant and responsible can be a thankless job. But while some homeowners watch reality TV at night, others live it and fight the good fight to protect private property rights in California.


( George heading out to manage his other property. )


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